Habit Finder

The Un‑Personality Test

Leave superficial personality tests behind. The Habit Finder assessment reveals the hidden habits of thinking that are holding you back…

in less than 10 minutes.

Take the Free Assessment

Identify & Shift Habits from
Self-Sabotage to

Through disruptive innovation, scientific measurement, transformational coaching, mindset calibration, and intrinsic connections, Habit Finder equips and empowers people to step into their real, genuine, authentic selves.

There are no "right" or "wrong" habits, but there are habits that support your goals and habits that are sabotaging you.

Knowing your habits and how they are working in your life helps you to become more successful.

Get Started

The Habit Finder Goes

Beyond Personality

Our 10-minute assessment reveals HOW you think - not WHAT you think.

To begin, simply take the Habit Finder assessment. Then, schedule a session with one of our specialists to unpack your results. We’ll work together to investigate your unique habits of thinking, identify the thought patterns holding you back, and explore calibrated solutions to your desired outcomes.

Find Out How

Review your risks and strengths.

Live habit-based and performance-centric.

Realize actionable insights to master your thought habits.

Friendly SupportGain thoughts, structure, & experience to master your habits.

Measure Your Thoughts.
Master Your Habits.
Multiply Your Income.

Take Habit Finder
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